Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Technology Integration Reflection #2

Response #2

Data Storage Get Personal, by Niles Rae

I remember using a typewriter for my class assignments. Every time I made a mistake I tossed the paper out. By the end of the evening, I had wasted a lot of paper. Being quite random, I loved when the computer became mainstream for typing papers. I could work on any part of an essay and then cut and paste, delete and spell check, all without wasting one piece of paper. My writing may not have gotten better, but the trees are happier.

This article was great in sharing how far technology has come for students and teachers. There are many things within the article that I have begun trying, such as having students email their assignments or saving their work on the student shared drive.

1. The mp3 players have been wonderful for students who have difficulty reading. Books on tape can be easily downloaded for students who can use them at school, or take them home.
2. The USB drive has been such a life -saver for me. I have a computer at home and at work. This makes it very easy to work both places and transfer information to and from computers. The only frustration I have is that I keep losing them, or sending them through the washing machine. Luckily, the price has gone down.
3. CDs: I remember working at a school that kept portfolios of all students. The portfolios were all paper. So many files and rooms were used for this collection. In the article it talked about how CD’s were used to save student work. Again, space and resources are being saved thanks to technology.
4. Email has been a great way to communicate with others. I think when schools have a protocol and system in place it increases educational outcomes. Communication can be consistently maintained, as well as needs for students shared to people who may not be easily reached.

I liked how this article went through the different developments for data storage. It is amazing to me how much technology is a part of our educational world. Also, the article really shared how technology has really assisted students and teachers in the area of documenting progress, knowledge and ability. Yes, student outcomes can still be accomplished without technology, but I would'nt want to give it up!

1 comment:

Jennifer House said...

Preach it Sister!
I have to say that I agree with everything that you've said. I also think that the computer is the perfect way for me to complete writing assignments because I have the hardest time starting from the beginning and going straight through to the end. I like to jump around. I would most definitely like to get rid of the thousands of pieces of paper in my files, but I have now idea how to go about doing that. Maybe something will be invented within the next few years in which I'll have more confidence.